Harvest Baptist Church is a family! We have a host of opportunities for you to connect with others who are in your life stage. Below is a list of Adult Bible Fellowships that gather for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship each week here at Harvest. We are confident you will be strengthened and encouraged when you attend.
1ST HOUR | 9:15 a.m. | Adult Bible Fellowships
Class: | Teacher: | Location: |
Homebuilders Class Open to all adults |
Dr. Tim Gaul | Cafeteria |
Cornerstone Class Open to all adults |
Pastor Charlie Rousey | Chapel |
Hopeful Hearts Class Especially for ladies over age 25 |
Mrs. Shari Robb | Room 300 |
Expectations Class Especially for young couples |
Mr. Marc Likins | Room 400 |
Bible Signs Class Deaf Ministry |
Mr. Ron Varney | Room 404 |
2ND HOUR | 10:30 a.m. | Adult Bible Fellowships
Class: | Teacher: | Location: |
Crusaders Class Seniors |
Mr. Bill Holland | Cafeteria |
Berean Class Open to all adults |
Pastor Dennis Smith | Room 400 |